
Script for generating a dynamic, multi-paged video spectrogram from an audio file in R

View the Project on GitHub drwilkins/rspectVid


Script for generating a dynamic spectrogram from an audio file Now supports multipaged videos with sliding highlight (akin to Audition)


  1. Tweak your spectrogram settings using the testSpec() function, storing results in variable
  2. Feed variable into rspectVid to generate dynamic spectrogram -It does this by exporting a PNG of the testSpec() ggplot function; -Import PNG as a new ggplot raster layer -Overlay a series of translucent highlight boxes that disolve away using gganimate

To source the rspectVid.R script & generate a dynamic spec in a new R instance:

Example usage:

#takes .wav or .mp3
params<-testSpec("data/Femalebarnswallow1.wav", onlyPlotSpec=F) 
#exports an .mp4 to the same file directory by default

Static spectrogram of a female barn swallow song

Static Spectrogram of a female barn swallow song

Dynamic spectrogram of a female barn swallow song

Now brighten the spec using the ampTrans parameter

p2<-testSpec("data/Femalebarnswallow1.wav",min_dB=-35, onlyPlotSpec=F,bgFlood=T,ampTrans=3) 

Now also supports .mp3 files (web or local) and multi-page dynamic spectrograms (i.e. cropping and segmenting spectrograms from larger recording files)

ggsave("web/humpback.png", height=2, width=6)
#Voila 🐋

Static whale song spectrogram

Humpback whale song spectrogram

Dynamic multipage whale song spectrogram

<iframe src=”” style=”border:0px” frameborder=”0” height=303 width=910 allow=”autoplay; fullscreen” allowfullscreen></iframe>

Example using Xeno-Canto to generate a multi-page dynamic spectrogram of a common nighthawk call (w/ different color scheme)

n=testSpec(song,crop=20,xLim=4,colPal = c("white","black"))
rspectVid(n,vidName="nightHawk" ,highlightCol = "#d1b0ff",cursorCol = "#7817ff",destFolder="web/")
### Nighthawk multipage dynamic spec <iframe src="" style="border:0px; width: 100%;" height=303 width=910 margin="0" padding="0" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen></iframe>